EAS equipment is required for all broadcast stations and the FCC issues substantial fines for stations that do not comply.

CCB sells TFT, Gorman-Redlich, and Trilithic three leading of FCC-certified EAS systems.   

Trilithic EASy-PLUS Encoder / Decoder


  • Easy to Install, Setup & Operate
  • Built-In Programmable AM/FM/NOAA Receivers
  • Supports Digital and Analog EAS Protocols
  • Ethernet Support for Remote Network Control
  • Built-in Gen-locked Character Generator
  • Minimum Rack Space
  • Cost-Effective
Trilithic’s EASyPLUS™ Encoder/Decoder System is a fully featured EAS system; and designed to service all cable television and video headends managing systems serving as few as a couple of hundred subscribers as well as systems with more than a million subscribers.

With up to four built-in AM/FM/NOAA selectable tuners, automatically generated and programmable FCC weekly testing, remote hub-site transmitter, and complete S/A and Motorola digital platform compliance, the EASyPLUS is truly your Emergency Alert System of choice.

Using either the EASyNIC™ network option or the EASyNET™ telephone modem, logging on remotely from your desktop PC to any one of your remote headends allows you to retrieve 1,000 EAS events from non-volatile memory for printing at your office. With remote connectivity, never miss your FCC required logging because of printer failures, paper jams or lack of paper.

Using DSP technology, standard features such as Flash BIOS will guarantee that your EASyPLUS platform will never be outdated. Periodic updates to the software are handled with the ease of a simple download from our website. No more disassembling just to change proms or software.

The optional EASyNIC Ethernet Card handles digital EAS standards such as DVS-168 and SCTE 18 and prepares you for digital platforms such as clear-channel QAMS, IPTV and CableCards® while still maintaining integrated control over both the analog and digital systems.


The EASyPLUS encoder/decoder has a built-in Character Generator, a front-panel microphone for generating your own messages, front-panel Speaker, TTL control lines, contact-closures, Keypad entry, Audio Distribution Amplifier, “Tune-To” audio switch, AFSK audio switch, and RS-485 port.

FIPS Routing codes

The Trilithic EASyPLUS encoder/decoder distributes individual analog EAS messages structured for up to 32 communities located within multi-trunk output headends.

Flash BIOS

Trilithic’s EASyPLUS encoder/decoder eliminates the need to remove the unit from the rack, pull the cover or lid and change or upgrade chipsets and proms. FCC regulated modifications, new programming, and product enhancements can easily be handled through a simple software download.

Programmable RWT (Required Weekly Test) for Automatic Triggering

This feature allows your EAS system to automatically generate a random RWT event once, within each calendar week satisfying the FCC requirement for cable systems generating and logging their own random weekly test.

Stores 1,000 emergency alerts

A non-volatile Emergency Alert Storage System eliminates the need for permanently attaching a printer at the headends’ encoder/decoder to view alerts. Up to 1,000 EAS events in Trilithic’s EASyPLUS encoder/decoder can be downloaded via a PC at the headend, or through the EASyNET™ telephone dial-up interface and optional EASyNET Modem & Remote Control software or via your network using the optional EASyNIC™ Ethernet Port.

EAS events can easily be archived and/or printed to an external printer at the user’s convenience. The EASyPLUS log file is word-processor compatible.

Up to four (4) internal radios that are each tunable as AM, FM, or NOAA radios

This means you will not have to purchase any additional radios to meet the FCC requirement of LP-1 and LP-2 monitoring stations. Two radios are shipped as standard equipment. Simply tune each of the two radio receivers to either AM or FM, to match the designated LP-1 and LP-2 stations assigned for your area or the NOAA frequencies if so needed. An optional internal card with (2) more tunable AM/FM/NOAA can be factory installed or field upgraded at a later time.

Two (2) external radio inputs for added monitoring capabilities

This feature allows you to meet the requirements dictated by some State Emergency Management Plans that may require a possible fifth or sixth monitoring selection. These are baseband audio inputs.

Remote hub-site insertion transmitter is included as standard equipment

An internal baseband AFSK transmitter is included as standard equipment in the EASyPLUS encoder/decoder. The AFSK transmitter is self-contained and includes audio switching capabilities for “tune-to” audio distribution and remote hub-site support via Trilithic’s Virtual Controller (for baseband, I.F., RF, or CG insertions at hub sites).

Four (4) Programmable dry-contact-closure relays

These programmable relays can be conveniently used for directly driving comb generators, OM-1000s, and multi-vendors distribution switches.

Audio D/A outputs

Four (4) outputs are included on the EASyPLUS encoder/decoder allowing for simple audio distribution utilizing all technologies of switching.

EASyPLUS Setup Program

EASyPLUS Configuration Program walks the user through the entire system setup.


EASyNIC Ethernet Port and Controller

The optional EASyNIC provides the EASyPLUS encoder/decoder with an internal 10/100BaseT Ethernet port which supports protocols DVS-168, SCTE 18, IPTV, iTVManager, HP, and various middleware vendors for directly transmitting digital EAS messages to the network.

Remotely login to the EASyPLUS via your network for configuring system, downloading FCC event files, updating FLASH BIOS. Remote login enables Trilithic’s EAS technical support team to troubleshoot and/or verify setup parameters.

EASy Compliance Assistant

The optional EASy Compliance Assistant scans the logs of every EASyPLUS encoder/decoder programmed into the software automatically every Sunday and reports discrepancies via e-mail reports to selected office and technical designees every Monday morning before they arrive at the office.

EASyNET Telephone Modem Local Access Card

An internal modem card and software is used for local communities to dial into the EASyPLUS system for localized overrides. Login is password protected and through software setup. The user’s FIPS code can be parsed to digital cable for limited access (if headend architecture allows).