
About CCB

History of LPFM

Future of LPFM

LPFM Guidelines








     Opportunity to Have Your Own FM station Ends Very Soon!

The FCC is accepting Applications for non-commercial Low Power FM stations for the first time since 2013. The FCC filing deadline is rapidly approaching; email JohnBroomall@yahoo.com today! LPFM operators cannot be cancelled or censored by Social Media giants and can deliver inspiration, information, and music 24/7 to your local community.

While non-profit organizations are limited to one LPFM station, relatives and friends three miles, or three thousands miles away, can also apply. The first step is a Frequency Availability Feasibly Study. The fee is only $200. Contact JohnBroomall@Yahoo.com.

A small antenna (similar to TV antennas on millions of homes years ago) on the roof of a church, school, or community organization can cover a community or small town, in some cases up to 10-15 miles. By using an organization's existing microphones and audio boards, LPFM stations can be constructed for $10,000 (or about $250 monthly if equipment leased for five years).

Other than the rooftop antenna, a radio transmitter, computer, and Emergency Alert System (EAS) can fit in a closet. With reliable long-life equipment, automation, thousands of people can be reached 24/7 on FM radio at low cost by using volunteers with no rent, little electricity, existing Internet, and Music Licensing Fees under $1,000 a year.

While there are few or no available FM channels in major urban areas, multiple options exist further from large cities. After getting a Frequency Availability Feasibility Study, drive around your area and listen to the recommended frequencies, hopefully a quiet channel will become obvious. That's the frequency you will probably want to apply for.

For more information contact JohnBroomall@Yahoo.com today before it is too late. Purchasing an existing commercial station can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions!


      CCB is Your LPFM "A.C.E.”

Need any type of help related to Low Power FM?  CCB offers Advocacy, expert Consulting and quality radio Equipment on a low-power budget.

Since LPFM started in 2000, CCB has successfully filed more than 1,000 FCC LPFM applications of all types for churches, ministries, schools, and other local community groups.

John Broomall is not just a Consultant and FCC filer.  He has a "hands-on" knowledge of LPFM having operated WPCG, Grace Radio 102.9, Canton, GA (near Atlanta) for nearly two decades. 

LowPowerFM.info   770 720-1037    JohnBroomall@yahoo.com

  (c) 2023 CCB