How soon should an LPFM station expect to get its license after filing its License to Cover, Form 319?

The "FCC LPFM Snail Award" goes to WFSJ-LP, Indiana, PA - its Form 319 was filed March 22, 2003.  Two years later, March 25, 2005, the license was granted.  WPCG-LP, Canton, GA had to wait from 17 months May 04 to October 05.  WTAZ-LP, New Tazewell, TN, had to wait from July 04 to October 05.  

What do these three have in common other than patience?  All three filed Form 318 modification requests after filing their Form 319.  CCB considers this as proof that filing mods - even when necessary - delay the FCC processing process .... considerable.  The Keep It Simple rule is alive and well at the FCC.

Now for better news.  Five months is the current median wait.  On August 13, 2005 CCB reviewed the 26 most recent grants which were awarded August 1 and July 29.  The middle or median station filed its 319 five months earlier, on March 15.  The "youngest" License to Cover was filed ten weeks earlier, on June 1; the oldest was five nine months ago.  The record for longest wait by an LPFM station is two years; there were unusual circumstances

With the exception of the few Successive permits, all LPFM have Automatic Program Test Authority, which mean the station has the opportunity and responsibility of normal operation as an licensed station as soon as the Form 319 is filed.  WATC-TV57, Atlanta, waited nearly three years for its license; the FCC lost the filing information.  The longest total wait in FCC history from initial application to a station getting on the air and licensed was forty years! 

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